The 22nd annual Adult Learning Week entitled Live and Learn, Learn and Live is taking place in Lithuania from 15 to 21 November. Taking the opportunity, on 16 November, Soros International House organized a presentation and discussion of the main intellectual output of the Erasmus+ project INCrEAsE - Intercultural Competences for Adult Educators Working with Multicultural and Multilingual Learners – Intercultural Communicative Training Programme – at the Vilnius Varpo Adult Gymnasium. SIH project coordinator Kristina Kudriašova presented the programme and held the discussion, as well as conducted practical training illustrating the differences in values that arise when working with people from other cultures.
In addition, SIH director Daiva Malinauskienė presented to the participants the implemented and ongoing projects, including the Nordplus Adult project Be Digital, the Erasmus + projects ACDC 4 You / Artistic Creativity Development Course for You, TECPC / Together Everyone Can Prevent Cyberbullying, ART 2.0 - Art Meets Digital Technology, and VR@School, as well as the Nordplus Nordic Languages projects Discover Iceland and Sweden and Play Your Way to Norway.
The event was attended by employees of Vilnius Varpo Adult Gymnasium and other adult education institutions in Vilnius. We thank Jolanta Čeponaitė, the director of Vilnius Varpo Adult Gymnasium and her staff for a warm and pleasant reception.