IHCTL kursai

Artimiausiu metu IHCTL kursai nebus organizuojami.


SIH yra vienas iš Pasaulinės IH Organizacijos Affiliate Network patvirtintų mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo centrų. Turintiems aukštojo išsilavinimo diplomą kalbos srityje specialistams, kurie neturi praktinės kalbos mokymo patirties, arba jos turi nepakankamai, mes siūlome IHCTL International House Certificate in Teaching Language kursą, kurio metu įgyjama daug praktinių ir teorinių žinių apie kalbos mokymą. Šis kursas bus naudingas ir tiems, kurie nori susisteminti savo mokymo žinias, jas papildyti ir įgyti tarptautiniu mastu pripažįstamą kvalifikaciją.

Šį labai intensyvų 4 savaičių kursą sudaro dvi dalys: seminarai/aptarimai, kurių metu perteikiamos ir aptariamos teorinės žinios, ir praktinė dalis, kurioje besimokantieji įtvirtina įgytas teorines žinias.

Kurso kaina: 799 Eur

Kurso dalyviai turi atsiųsti šiuos dokumentus:

  1. Savo CV (anglų kalba);
  2. Paso kopiją;
  3. Universiteto baigimo diplomo kopiją;
  4. Užpildytą registracijos formą. 

Detalus kurso aprašymas anglų kalba:

The International House Certificate in Teaching Languages (IHCTL) is a 4 - week, 120 hour teacher training course designed to prepare candidates for a job or career as a Language Teacher. It consists of four main elements. As the course is focused primarily around learning from the practical experience of preparing lessons and teaching them followed by reflective consideration and evaluation that will inform future lessons, the core element of the course is Teaching Practice. The other three main elements are seminar input, observation of experienced teachers and a component of assessed written work.

Element One Teaching Practice (6 hours of observed and assessed Teaching Practice per candidate, divided between two distinct levels)
Element Two Observed Lessons (30 hours of guided peer observation & 4 hours of guided observation of experienced teachers)
Element Three Written work (3 assignments)
Element Four Seminar input (60 hours)


Core Content

  • Developing the 4 skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing;
  • Analysing language (grammar, lexis, phonology and function) in preparation for teaching;
  • Lesson planning and planning a series of lessons;
  • Introducing, revising, practising and correcting language at a range of levels;
  • Classroom management skills;
  • Evaluation of teaching materials (published and authentic);
  • Motivating and challenging learners of varying styles and backgrounds;
  • Adapting and responding to different learning and teaching environments.

The International House Certificate in Teaching Languages (IHCTL) is awarded to teachers who have followed an approved course programme and passed the practical and written components of the assessment procedure. As candidates are required to attend the 100% of the 120 - hour course in order to pass (or at least 80% where a reason is accepted by the Course Tutor), it is essential that candidates are entirely free from external duties (teaching / administrative work) for the duration of the course.