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On October 16-17, 2024 the NordPlus Nordic Languages project "Let's Get to Know Denmark and Finland" seminar took place in Odense

On October 16-17, 2024 the NordPlus Nordic Languages ​​project "Let's Get to Know Denmark and Finland" seminar took place in Odense, where young people from Lithuania, Denmark and Finland met. During the event, young people presented the success stories of ethnic minorities in their countries and once again analyzed the content of the platforms being created. It was a great opportunity to find new friends and like-minded people and get to know Odense's famous sights (one of them is the museum of everyone's favorite Danish writer H.K. Andersen and his childhood home).

Lithuania was represented at the seminar by Bernadeta Stanaitytė from Vilnius Karoliniškių Gymnasium and Viltė Stankutė from Veiviržėnai S. Šaulio Gymnasium in Klaipėda district. Their stories about the ethnic minorities of the Karaites and Shishionis received great interest, and their professional presentations received praise. We thank the girls for their sincerity, beautiful representation of Lithuania and excellent communication skills.

In parallel, a meeting of the project partners - SIH (Lithuania), Anmiro (Finland) and BrainLog (Denmark) took place, where we discussed the online meetings-seminars organized in September for the strengthening of intercultural communication among the youth of the three countries and the next steps in the implementation of the project - the launch and presentation of the platform to its potential users and the final conference of the project, which we will organize in Vilnius on June 12, 2025.
