Learning and Teaching Materials Developed by SIH

These projects have been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of the materials reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

ACDC 4 You / Artistic Creativity Development Course for You

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships

The folowing intellectual outputs developed:

TECPC Together Everyone Can Prevent Cyberbullying

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships

These intellectual outputs have been prepared:
Handbook for Teachers English and Lithuanian in PDF format


INCrEAsE – Intercultural Competences for Adult Educators Working with Multicultural and Multilingual Learners

Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships

These intellectual outputs have been prepared:

Intercultural Communicative Competence Training Programme - 

- Programme in English in PDF format

- Programme in English in e-book format EPUB

- Programme in Lithuanian in PDF format

- Programme in Lithuanian in e-book format EPUB



EU programme “Creative Europe / Culture”

The following outputs developed:

  • Poetry platform for users (professional and amateur poets and translators) to set up their profiles, publish their poems, translate them, participate in collective on-line poetry creation and translation, comment on and evaluate the work of others.
  • On-line poetry writing games.
  • On-line poetry library which contains all the published works representing each partner country.

"LeaCoMM Learning Community Migration and Minorities: Platform for Teachers and Teacher Educators"

Lifelong Learning Programme / Comenius

A platform for teachers in Europe who work with multicultural, multiethnic,multilingual andmultireligiouslearners in their classroom or school environment:

  • a general library and research areawith the latest academic research, studies and policy outlines on intercultural competences for teachers 
  • a resource materials area where teachers can exchange relevant materials - created by teachers for teachers 
  • an area offering modules for teachers to improve their own inter and trans-cultural skills 
  • a forum for teachers across Europe to directly communicate with each other, list questions, make recommendations and other points of educational interest – the actual Learning Community of Teachers and Teacher Educators

"Lithuanian language training and civic orientation courses for third-country nationals using real life situation simulation techniques"

European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals annual work programme project

Materials developed:

CD - Civic orientation learning material:

"Feel It! Curriculum Guidelines" created by the project "Feel It! Feel the Difference"

European Fund Integration of Third Country Nationals

Here You can find a curricula designed for schools to conduct a 'Feel It!' project-week in all subjects.

Video films about cultural diversity and the main event of the project "Feel it" - the exhibition "The Path of Diversity"

What kind of emotions and thoughts does the phrase "cultural diversity" evoke in you? What does "cultural diversity" mean? Do you see it in the city where you live? If so, where can you see it most? What do other people think about it?

Please watch the video that was created specifically for this project. In this video people of various ages, nationalities and professions answer the questions about cultural diversity:

What kind of "path of diversity" is there in Lithuania? Creative, fun, memorable and full of songs! Please watch the most memorable moments from out "The Path of Diversity" event.

"Lithuanian language training and civic orientation courses for third-country nationals using real life situation simulation techniques"

European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals annual work programme project

CD - Lithuanian language learning material:

"ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen = Flourishing Future Society"

LLP Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project

Methodologies for the civic actions organisers

In this document the methods for organising civic actions based on the principles of the Theatre of the Oppressed are presented.

Here you can find the link to the final event of the ACT project which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, 31 May 2015, as an example for the civic actions. 

“Migrants‘ Integration Kit – Basic Language for Dealing with financial Matters“ – INTEGRA” 

LLP Grundtvig Multilateral project

  • CD- Migrant Integration Kit in EN, LT,El, RO, ES, PL, TR, NL, DE and BE for migrants in their new country. Most common words and phrases for dealing with financial matters, dialogues on real life situations, useful country specific financial tips on how to cope with everyday financial needs, good practice examples on integration issues and other useful info.
  • CD -Materials for Training Migrant Financial Language Skills in EN, LT, El, RO, ES, PL, TR, NL, DE and BE for representatives from migrant communities, adult educators and language teachers. The content of the CD includes aninnovative methodology based on drama elements and the programof training sessions, questionnaire form for trainees to evaluate the trainings, useful links, contact list of migrant representatives in each partner country and other useful info.

MPCE – Mission Possible: Chinese for Europeans

Lifelong Learning Programme, KA2 LANGUAGES, Multilateral

Language guide for people traveling to China

Language sets, practical advice on how to avoid „big mistakes“ which are usually made by Europeans traveling to China. This guide will help people with business, cultural and social relations in China to overcomelinguistic, cultural barriers and strengthen mutual understanding.


Light Me Up!-Language Lessons for Abroad

LLP KA-2 project 

CD with learning orientated language sets for people traveling across Europe

Language sets on everyday topics and useful tips country specific in LT, CZ, NL, GR and BG can be very handy while traveling.

Still Active – A Communication Tool for Fighting Social Isolation

Nordplus Adult Project

A notebook with basic learning materials – “English ABC for Seniors” and CD-electronic book for seniors’ self learning. 

Words and phrases on everyday topics with tasks and exercises (word search puzzles, crosswords, word scrambles and hangman) and progress marking.

TOOL TIPLS - Tool to Improve Transparency of Professional Language Skills

Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation

CD with set of descriptors in EN, LT, LV, FI and RO to evaluate the professional EN language level forprofessional education and language teaching institutions, employers and employeesworking in Hospitality area.

A set of specific minimum competences and a guideline for people working or training within the Hospitality industry to evaluate their English language competences at a professional level, useful phrases for eachprofession in Hospitality industry, standards of behaviour expected of people working in the Hospitality industry and other.

Language on the Move

Nordplus/Horizontal Project

DVD with a phrasebook for people traveling in between Nordic and Baltic countries for work, studies, tourism or business.

It provides everyday language situations in EN, LT, DK, SE, FI and EE, which may be useful to people traveling to Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Learning by Moving

Socrates / Lingua 1 project

CD with a phrasebook in 4 languages: Lithuanian, Polish, English and German for students, seniors and migrants for self learning.

Most common words and phrases on everyday topics in LT, DE, EN, PL and useful tips country specific which can be very handy while traveling to any of these countries.

The shopping Language Gam

Socrates/Lingua project

Booklet-guide for people traveling to Bulgaria, Lithuania, Greece, Malta, Netherlands and Sweden.

Some info about the languages (LT, EL, BG, SE, Malti and NL) promoted during the campaigns in supermarkets in 6 partner countries , some useful shopping phrases and useful tips while shopping in one or the other of the promoted countries.

The Importance of Active Citizenship For Young Adults in Education and Training (AcCYEd)

Socrates GRUNDTVIG 2 project

CD - A collection of experiences for school leavers, adult educators. It can serve as a supplementary material forintegrating active citizenship into the learning process.

Here you will findexamples of good practices for promoting active citizenship,questionnaires, and survey on youthcivic engagementin Lithuania,Poland, France, Cyprus and Turkey results,forums’ materials and reflections.

Practice Makes Perfect:Promoting European Citizenship Through Language Practice

Socrates/Grundtvig 2 Project

CD - A collection of materialsfor language teachers.

A supplementary material „Virtual Trips Without Borders“ for teaching English language (teaching program, dialogues on various topics) and for intercultural learning.