Let's Get to Know Denmark and Finland

Nordplus / Nordic Languages

Let's Get to Know Denmark and Finland

Projekto Nr.: NPLA-2023/10040

Projekto trukmė: 2023/08/01-2025/07/31

The project partnership will develop an online educational platform promoting Danish and Finnish languages and cultures, seeking to improve mutual comprehension of the Nordic languages and cultures among Lithuanian, Danish and Finnish youth, as well as to stimulate their sustainable thinking through raising awareness on cohesion and coherence of Nordic region nations.

The project seeks to:

  • Promote Danish, Finnish and Nordic region minority languages and cultures, interest in them;
  • Strengthen Danish, Finnish and Lithuanian young people’s sustainable thinking and cooperation;
  • Provide youth and educational institutions with a digital tool for distance self-directed learning;
  • Encourage mutual Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural understanding.

The project’s main outcome will be the online educational platform for promoting Danish and Finnish languages and cultures.

Activities and results:

  • Create an online educational platform promoting languages and cultures of Denmark and Finland;
  • Pilot the platform with the help of youth in Lithuania, collect feedback;
  • Organise regular online meetings between the project partners to ensure the smooth progress of the project;
  • Organise two online workshops for Lithuanian and Danish, and Lithuanian and Finnish young people to promote interculturality and motivation to learn Nordic languages, as well as to stimulate sustainable thinking through collection and dissemination of Stories on Nordic Region national minorities and their languages;
  • Organise a workshop in Denmark for project participants from partner countries to finalize the content of the platform as well as to showcase the collected Stories;
  • Promote the platform through social media and encourage people from Nordic-Baltic region to use it as a self-directed learning tool;
  • Organise the final international conference in Lithuania.


  • Soros International House, Lietuva
  • BrainLog, Danija
  • Anmiro Oy, Suomija

Asocijuotieji partneriai



2024 m. rugsėjo 26 d. įvyko projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland" nuotolinis seminaras Lietuvos ir Danijos jaunimui


2024 m. rugsėjo 18 d. įvyko projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland" nuotolinis seminaras Lietuvos ir Suomijos jaunimui


2024 m. rugpjūčio 14  d. įvyko projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2024 m. birželio 20  d. įvyko projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2024 m. balandžio 15 d. pradėtas platformų pilotavimas


2024 m. kovo 27 d. įvyko projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2024 m. vasario 2 d. įvyko projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2024 m. sausio 11 d. projektas „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " pristatytas programos Nordplus konsultaciniame seminare paraiškų teikėjams


Rugsėjo 27-28 d. Helsinkyje įvyko pirmasis projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " partnerių susitikimas


Rugpjūčio 15 d. įvyko įžanginis projekto „Let's get to Know Denmark and Finland " partnerių susitikimas
