Why this project?
We want to:
How do we support multilingual families?
What will we produce?
We develop these tools by ‘User centered Design’: involving multilingual families and professionals throughout the whole project.
Project partners:
On 7-9 May 2018, Erasmus+ “TALES@home” (www.talesathome.eu) project partners met in Brussels, Belgium for the 5th partner meeting and the final project conference “TALKING ABOUT LANGUAGE AND EMOTIONS AT HOME. EMPOWERING MULTILINGUAL FAMILIES“, which was followed by the international expert meeting.
During the 5th partner meeting representatives of partner institutions from Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom and Lithuania reviewed the project progress and results, planned the upcoming final activities.
The final international project conference and the expert meeting have attracted interest of many professionals and practitioners working with multilingual families, researchers, policy makers from different European countries. During the conference on the 8th May, the participants were introduced to the main intellectual output of the project – an interactive Tool to Talk about Language and Emotions at Home, as well as other important results of the project. The conference speakers from Sweden, Germany, Italy, the UK and Belgium addressed the issue of multilingualism in families. The topic was discussed in detail during the international expert meeting that took place on the 9th May. The event was attended by professionals and experts from Luxembourg, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, France, UK, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, and Lithuania. The participants shared their experience and expertise related to multilingualism within the family settings, presented good practice examples.
After the events the partners summarized the achievements and defined the steps leading to the sustainability of the project results.
On 17-19 January 2018, Erasmus+ “TALES@home” project partners met in Palermo, Italy. During the 4th partner meeting representatives of partner institutions from Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom and Lithuania reviewed the project progress and planned the upcoming activities. The partners worked on the agenda for the final project conference and the expert meeting to be held in Brussels in May 2018, recorded the lessons that will be uploaded on the project website and are designed to guide professionals using the project App, worked on the final version of the App and the Manual.
Later the partners discussed and approved the calendar of upcoming activities, finalised the dates for the final project conference, expert meeting and the final partner meeting, which will take place in Brussels on 8 - 10 May, 2018.