Successfully Implemented Projects

Since 2000 SIH has been actively involved in and coordinated many international and local projects on language teaching, adult education, active citizenship, training senior learners and migrant integration into society. 

The projects coordinated by SIH were awarded European Labels or diplomas as the best projects of the year, were nominated for Star projects and were selected among the best adult education and language teaching projects by the European Commission. They were presented during international Conferences and Fairs and included into different Compendiums of Best Practices. In 2012 the exclusive ‘European Language Label’ award was presented to SIH.


We kindely invite you to use the products created by the partners of these projects!


Missing information in English is being prepared


Creative Europe / Culture


No. 559364

The need to create and implement the project ePublisher was evoked by the nowadays situation in the field of poetry. In the modern society, it has lost its specific force and vigor that have contrived humanity throughout civilization. For a long time the publishers complaint that poetry doesn’t sell any more; editions and issues in the EU countries have been reduced. Paper-based poetry collections don’t appear on the best selling books lists nor do the poets receive as much attention from the society as the prosaists. Inevitably, this has led to a loss of opportunities for the presentation of poetry works and moreover, the new generation of European poets is rarely heard. 

The ePublisher aims to contribute to audience development by promoting innovative ways of publishing poems of professional and amateur poets, helping them to reach new and enlarge audiences and improving access to poetry.

Materials developed by "ePublisher":

  • Poetry platform for users (professional and amateur poets and translators) to set up their profiles, publish their poems, translate them, participate in collective on-line poetry creation and translation, comment on and evaluate the work of others.
  • On-line poetry writing games.
  • On-line poetry library which contains all the published works representing each partner country.

Seniors On-line



Seniors On-line is a two-year Baltic-Nordic project focused on ICT and English language learning for active aging.

The project aims to strengthen English language and ICT skills of the seniors from Nordic and Baltic countries in order to help them overcome the challenges arising from the fairs of cultivating these skills in practice, foster communication between different cultures as well as create a solid background for seniors to apply newly gained competences in their everyday lives after the end of the project.

The final product of the project – an e-Book containing English language and ICT skills teaching methodology based on attractive animation and a short film, documenting   seniors’ classroom experience in dialogue simulations of different life situations and will provide with samples of learning materials and methodologies used in teaching a foreign language to seniors. 

Project "Seniors On-line" has been chosen as the winner of Boldic Award for 2016! It was selected by the Boldic Award Jury 2016 out of 14 nominations and presented at the SVERDs Autumn conference in Stockholm on Friday, the 14th of October. The Boldic Award aims to support innovative online learning projects in Nordic and Baltic countries.

On 13 November 2019 Soros International House was awarded with a Special prize during the event organized by the Education Exchange Support Foundation in Vilnius, Lithuania for the project Seniors On-line.

SMILE - The Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education



The Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education (SMILE) aims to gather partner organisations from the educational, labour and social sectors and explore in them opportunities for accommodation of LWUTLs for increasing competences and skills in order to boost competitiveness, enhance employability and reinforce social inclusion on European level.

Language Opens Any Doors: Third Country Nationals’ Integration into Lithuanian Society

European Fund Integration of Third Country Nationals annual work programme 2013 



Šis projektas prisideda prie naujai atvykusių į Lietuvą skirtingos ekonominės padėties, socialinių sąlygų, kultūrų, religijų, kalbų ar etninės priklausomybės trečiųjų šalių piliečių integracijos proceso plėtros ir įgyvendinimo.

Lithuanian Language Training and Civic Orientation Courses for Third-Country Nationals Using Real Life Situation Simulation Techniques

European Fund Integration of Third Country Nationals annual work programme 2012


This project facilitates the integration process of newly arrived third-country nationals of different economic, social, cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic backgrounds.
Third-country nationals – individuals who are not European Union citizens, that is, people who do not have a citizenship of the EU member state.

Feel It!

European Fund Integration of Third Country Nationals

The project aims to enhance intercultural dialogue and the positive aspects of migration. It will contribute to awareness raising, broadening mind sets as well as combating negative connotations of migration. It will improve the understanding in the receiving communities on problems faced by migrants; it will also encourage cultural understanding and appreciation as well as improve spontaneous and fun interaction through the stimulation of all senses (‘Path of diversity’).

Video films about cultural diversity and the main event of the project "Feel it" - the exhibition "The Path of Diversity"

What kind of emotions and thoughts does the phrase "cultural diversity" evoke in you? What does "cultural diversity" mean? Do you see it in the city where you live? If so, where can you see it most? What do other people think about it?

Please watch the video that was created specifically for this project. In this video people of various ages, nationalities and professions answer the questions about cultural diversity:

What kind of "path of diversity" is there in Lithuania? Creative, fun, memorable and full of songs! Please watch the most memorable moments from out "The Path of Diversity" event.

In addition, it guarantees better integration of migrants, better knowledge on cultures and the history of immigration; it will also lead to the increased self-confidence of migrants (children & adults). This project will try to enhance the public perception of migration as a phenomenon that has contributed to shaping the history of mankind.

TAKE CARE: Healthcare Guide for Migrants

LLP Grundtvig multilateral project


No. 526736-LLP-1-2012-1-NL-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

Project aims to:

  • Help migrants to improve their knowledge about health matters and host country language;
  • Make health care more accessible for migrants and improve their integration;
  • Create a European wide network of associated partners;
  • Contribute to intercultural communication.

My Story – creating an ICT-based inter-generational learning environment

Life Long Learning Programme / KA-3 project


MyStory (MS) will address an increasing imbalance within the aging European population. Access to, and understanding of internet technology is becoming more polarized, with many older people not being able to take advantage of the many benefits it can offer. This leaves many seniors - who already have to cope with a higher threat of marginalization – even more isolated, struggling to find a dignified role in society and to cope with the inevitable change. On the other hand, provided that it is used in the right context, the growth of the internet and the emergence of modern networked societies have created new interaction and collaboration opportunities, irrespective of physical distance. Younger generations grow up in a society impacted by massive amounts of information and media. They become proficient in the use of the Internet and of ICT applications from an early age, a valuable aspect which the MyStory partnership will employ in order to bridge the "digital divide" between generations.

MyStory develops an ICT-based solution to: empower seniors to learn basic technical skills via intergenerational learning, to gain access to new learning opportunities and make contact with different social categories facing the risk of social exclusion. The common “language” through which this will be achieved is the seniors’ life stories, which will be collected by technically competent younger people who are well-versed in navigating the digital space.

MyStory partnership aims to do: develop a set of training tools in EN & partner languages which allow young people and elderly home staff to serve as "internet mentors" for seniors, transmit a series of basic ICT skills and bridge the digital and age divide via storytelling.

ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen = Flourishing Future Society

LLP Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project



The present day society is facing problems both on global and community level.Some part of the society has got an active sense of civic responsibility and act to make changes. But there are many people who are indifferent about the problems of the society or have no knowledge or courage to take steps to improve the situation.We should take stepsto mobilizecreative individuals to go out andthrough various art forms ,approach the communitiesin an effort to change their attitudes andencourage their desire to improve the life of their community.

The aim of the project is to reach active people in local communities who want, can and have what to say and are ready to take actions on issues they care about; andto inspire the members of local community to participate in public life.

Methodologies for the civic actions organisers

In this document the methods for organising civic actions based on the principles of the Theatre of the Oppressed are presented.

Here you can find the link to the final event of the ACT project which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania, 31 May 2015, as an example for the civic actions. 

INTEGRA - Migrant's integrating kit - basic language for dealing with financial matters

LLP Grundtvig Multilateral project


No. 510258-LLP-1-2010-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP

In today’s global knowledge society and with ever increasing mobility, migrants face many challenges before they can settle and feel part of a new community. Two major challenges, which affect many new arrivals, are lack of language skills and lack of basic knowledge on financial matters.

The aim of the project is to work together with social partners such as migrant communities and financial institutes to create a Europe wide network of relevant institutes in order to reach migrants in partner countries to improve their integration into local society by providing them with opportunities to gain language skills on basic financial matters.

Still Active – A Communication Tool for Fighting Social Isolation

Nordplus Adult project


The project STILL ACTIVE aims to provide people from vulnerable groups , in particular elderly people from rural or disadvantaged areas, who had no opportunity to gain some basic language skills or hasn‘t been practicing for a long time , with a tool - English language, which will encourage and stimulate them to be a part of a busy and changing world , thus breaking personal, cultural and social barriers.

MPCE – Mission Possible: Chinese for Europeans

Lifelong Learning Programme, KA2 LANGUAGES, Multilateral Projects


"Mission Possible: Chinese for Europeans" promotes the benefits of language learning by raising awareness of and bringing the entirely distant Chinese language closer to Europeans.

The project goal is to smoothen those problems through developing a method and a respective language product for introducing an entirely unknown language to Europeans in easily accessible way. As a result of the project it is expected that the targeted beneficiaries will develop basic skills in Chinese and become aware of the Chinese culture and traditions. This would facilitate their everyday activities and enhance the intercultural communication and understanding.

TOOL TIPLS – Tool to Improve Transparency of Professional Foreign Language Skills

Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project


TOOL TIPLS addresses directly one of the priorities set by the Copenhagen Declaration – to investigate how transparency, comparability, transferability and recognition of competences and/or qualifications, between different countries and at different levels, could be promoted by developing reference levels, common principles for certification, and common measures, including a credit transfer system for vocational education and training. Analysis of the current situation in all of the partner countries and research by project partners shows that professional foreign language competences are evaluated by different systems and criteria not only in each country, but also at institutional level according to their needs.

The aim of the project is to develop the tool to improve transparency of professional English language (as lingua franca) skills in the selected target sectors of the Hospitality industry. This will ensure future relevant levels of foreign language competences and their evaluation to people employed or seeking employment in this area.

Light Me Up! - Language Lessons for Abroad

Lifelong Learning Programme KA-2 project 


The aim of the project "Light Me Up!" is to use the objectives of the LLP in order to promote the benefits of language learning among pupils, students and adults and accommodate 5 less widely used and taught European languages in the context of travelling abroad.

"Light Me Up!" focuses on Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Greek and Lithuanian and involves the target group in easily accessible language activities and products creating and upgrading basic language skills related to travelling abroad. The partners use the Tourism Fairs organised each year in all countries and carry out promotional language events in the target languages involving the target group in thematic language activities with native speakers. As a follow-up, the partners organise for groups of beneficiaries open language courses with teachers for each target language.

Learning by Moving

Socrates / LINGUA 1 Project


Developing skills of less widely used European languages (LWUEL) is vital for today's citizens of the European Union. They move around, travel, explore unfamiliar countries and places of interest, meet local people and interact in diverse social surroundings.

In this context it is vital to encourage and enforce European people of different nationalities and linguistic diversity to learn LWUEL. The foreign language learning process may undergo a few stages:

  • involves acquiring the minimum level of socio-linguistic competence;
  • involves developing listening, reading, writing and speaking skills of a foreign language;
  • involves people into cross-cultural life long learning (LLL) process which will make them aware of the values of the intercultural linguistic relationship.

In accordance with the EU linguistic insight and strategy that every European should speak two more languages apart form his own native one, the project focuses on teaching foreign languages of minorities and the neighboring countries, English being as Lingua Franca.

At the “Multilingualism in Europe” conference held in Cyprus through the 26-28 of September 2012 in Limassol, organized by the European Commission, the “European Language Label” award was presented to Soros International House. The European Language Labelis awarded to the most innovative projects that support multilingualism and promote teaching and learning of languages nominated in their country with the European Label. Soros International House represented Lithuania with the project „Learning by Moving“. Aspecialist jury, chaired by Miguel Angel Martinez, Vice-President of the European Parliament, then selected the best five projects based on their European dimension and impact in terms of improving the language skills of the target group out of thirty. The „Learning by Moving" projectwas among 5 winning projects.

2008 m. lapkričio 24 d. vykusiame Suaugusiųjų švietimo savaitės atidarymo renginyje, kurį organizavo Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija bei Lietuvos suaugusiųjų švietimo asociacija, SIH koordinuojamas projektas "Mokykis kalbų kelyje" buvo pripažintas 2008 m. tarptautinio ugdymo projekto konkurso nugalėtoju.

2008 m. spalio mėnesį projektas "Mokykis kalbų kelyje" Švietimo mainų paramos fondo buvo pripažintas geriausiu 2008 metų kalbų projektu ir apdovanotas Europos pažymėjimu.