Discover Iceland and Sweden

Nordplus / Nordic Languages

Discover Iceland and Sweden

Projekto nr.: NPLA-2021/10027

Projekto trukmė: 2021/08/01-2023/07/31

The project’s purpose is to take advantage of the golden age of digital learning and build on the already developed online educational platform ('Play Your Way to Norway' project) by expanding it to include new languages and cultures. Using some competition elements and the self-guided learning approach, the project aims to strengthen intercultural communication and mutual understanding between Lithuanian, Icelandic, and Swedish young people.

The aims of the project correspond with the general aims of Nordplus and the specific aims of Nordplus Nordic language in that the project seeks to:

  • develop and publish learning and teaching materials freely accessible online
  • promote Icelandic and Swedish languages and cultures and improve the Nordic-Baltic linguistic and cultural comprehension among youth
  • stimulate Nordic-Baltic people's interest in the Icelandic and Swedish languages and cultures and provide the opportunity to learn them online
  • build on the benefits of today’s young people’s digitalized environment in distance virtual learning and promote innovative methods of learning, such as online games and self-guided learning approach in language and culture acquisition
  • focus on activities that strengthen Icelandic and Swedish young people’s computational thinking and improve Icelandic and Swedish languages comprehension in young people in Lithuania and the Nordic-Baltic region

The project’s main outcome will be the online educational platform for discovering Icelandic and Swedish languages and cultures.

Other outcomes of the project:

  • better mutual Lithuanian-Icelandic and Lithuanian-Swedish linguistic and cultural understanding, tolerance, and respect between young people of these cultures,
  • new friendships between young people of the three nations,
  • better Icelandic and Swedish language comprehension,
  • new language skills,
  • warm intercultural relationship in the Baltic-Nordic region and a feeling of a close-knit neighbourhood.

Activities and results:

  • create an online educational platform promoting Icelandic and Swedish languages and cultures
  • pilot the platform with the help of youth in Lithuania and collect feedback
  • organise regular online meetings between Lithuanian, Icelandic and Swedish partners to ensure continuous progress of the project’s implementation
  • organise two online workshops for Lithuanian and Icelandic, and Lithuanian and Swedish young people to promote interculturality and motivation to learn Scandinavian languages
  • organise a workshop in Sweden between young people from the pilot training in Lithuania and Icelandic and Swedish youth to finalize the content of the platform
  • promote the platform through social media and encourage people from the Nordic-Baltic region to use it as a self-learning tool
  • offer virtual lessons / tours of Iceland and Sweden as a prize to winners or most active users of the platform after its launch
  • organise the final international conference in Lithuania


  • Soros International House, Lietuva
  • IS-LLL Center Mimir-simenntun (IS-Mímir), Islandija
  • SE-More Mosaic (SE), Švedija


2023 m. birželio 9 d. Vilniuje įvyko DISCOVER projekto baigiamasis partnerių susitikimas


2023 m. birželio 8 d. Vilniuje įvyko DISCOVER projekto baigiamoji tarptautinė konferencija


2023 m. vasario 9-10 d. Stokholme įvyko DISCOVER projekto tarpkultūrinis jaunimo seminaras bei partnerių susitikimas


2022 m. lapkričio 10 d. DISCOVER projektas pristatytas Nacionalinės nuotolinio mokymosi savaitės renginyje


2022 m. spalio 27 d. įvyko Lietuvos ir Islandijos / Švedijos jaunimo nuotoliniai seminarai


2022 m. rugsėjo 2 d. įvyko nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2022 m. birželio 30 d. įvyko nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2022 m. gegužės pradžioje pradėjome platformų testavimą


2022 m. vasario 11 d. įvyko nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2021 m. gruodžio 6 d. įvyko projekto nuotolinis partnerių susitikimas


2021 m. spalio 28-29 d. Reikjavike įvyko projekto partnerių susitikimas


2021 m. rugsėjo 2-3 d. projekto „Discover Iceland and Sweden" naujienos


2021 m. rugpjūčio 5 d. įvyko pirmasis – įžanginis – „Discover Iceland and Sweden” partnerių susitikimas
